Good Website & Software Development, Then Good Marketing

Online is increasingly the first and often the only outlet used to gather information. The importance of an appealing, user-friendly functions website and software solutions are undeniable in the tech era, yet their capability in streamlining and automating time-consuming, manual tasks must not be overlooked.

Web Development Services

Website Development

Our expert teams offer wide-ranging knowledge in database architecture and web app platforms and can work with you to elevate an existing product or build something new and powerful.

Software Construction

With Planex Technology strong back-end development team, which enhance the project, helping to plan, control and coordinate the project from beginning to end. These will help clients to efficiently increase the sales and revenues.

Mobile Application Development

Planex Technology’s mobile app specialists deliver expertly crafted omni-format digital experiences with mobile-first design always front of mind, simplifying engagement and enhancing brand resonance.

API Integrations

Award-winning custom API development company. Delivering digital experiences that matter— enabled by technology and sustained through capabilities.

  • Custom API Development
  • Third-party API Integrations
  • API Consulting
  • API Testing Automation
  • Cloud and Intranet API Integration
  • Custom API Implementations
  • API Support & Maintenance

Artificial Intelligence Development

We can see computers beat humans in certain fields, like chess playing, driving or even composing. Computers can learn from all of the parameters, keep improving according to your goal, and even be trained to delight your customers with a timely and thoughtful response!

So why don’t we leave the repetitive tasks to computers and focus on the big picture?